Новости г. В этот знаменательный день, когда мы отмечаем День российского флага, педагоги нашего детского сада подготовили мастер-классы по созданию символа нашего государства — флага России. Этот праздник напоминает нам о наших традициях, единстве и патриотизме.
Metal Metal Регулируемая капельница.
To browse Academia. Specific non-derivative nouns that are functioning in Smolensk dialect reveal a significant number of lexical parallels in the independent languageе structure of the contemporary Belarusian language. The analysis of these words is carried out in order to establish their status in two synchronous lexical and gram- matical systems for further clarification relating to the number of lexical parallels of different origins in Smolensk dialect. The subject of the study is the volume of lexical meaning of specific nonderivative nouns recorded in independent, but at the same time contact-located language formations, in one of which they have a regional status Smolensk dialect , and in the other one they are included in the codified form of the standard language the Belarusian language. The relevance of the study is explained by the complex history of the Russian-Belarusian borderland, which is reflected both in Smolensk dialect and in the Belarusian language, which has been developed on The article deals with dialect nouns that occur in three groups of closely related dialects of the Russian-Belarusian borderland Smolensk, Vitebsk and Mogilev and its function in particular dialect systems as lexical parallels.
Walking to Lloyd Park on the first morning of Walthamstow Garden Party this summer I heard the shrieks of a passing flock of the now common ring-necked parakeets. I first worked with Artillery in on the E17 Art Trail. My experiences transformed the way I feel about where I live.
- Министерство образования Республики Беларусь Управление по образованию, спорту и туризму Столбцовского райисполкома.
- Осень izhavia.
- At solmen va esser necessi far uniform grammatica, pronunciation e plu sommun paroles.
Ветряная оспа — острая вирусная инфекция с воздушно-капельным путем передачи, характеризующаяся появлением на коже и слизистых оболочках сыпи в виде мелких пузырьков. Эта инфекция была названа «ветрянкой» в связи со своей заразностью. Ее распространение происходит словно со скоростью ветра.
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