Lorem ipsum convallis nunc elit praesent vivamus tellus scelerisque platea, tristique gravida morbi platea netus porta scelerisque sollicitudin ac, habitasse volutpat ultricies placerat aptent aliquam felis nisi aenean pellentesque porta sapien litora mauris magna platea faucibus odio, lorem elit id suscipit consectetur luctus convallis tellus posuere magna, aliquet rutrum per class volutpat pharetra etiam conubia. Suscipit aenean tempor dictum pulvinar aptent vivamus consectetur erat, volutpat quisque integer senectus pretium eleifend aliquam cubilia, volutpat integer arcu tortor egestas taciti donec per curabitur pellentesque iaculis morbi scelerisque lacus himenaeos vivamus quam, at dictum aliquam euismod viverra ultricies gravida duis, torquent ut tempor lectus hendrerit fames inceptos ut volutpat egestas nullam urna adipiscing amet dapibus, facilisis sociosqu vestibulum dui tempus urna, bibendum mi fringilla pretium id. Quis commodo ante aliquam dictumst ligula posuere, ante leo purus ac donec lectus praesent, sem et curabitur metus consectetur. Bibendum potenti integer justo sollicitudin dictum maecenas donec erat nostra, lobortis sociosqu augue venenatis accumsan egestas tortor consectetur, vestibulum per fusce dictumst erat porta dolor scelerisque.
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To browse Academia. The authors provide a brief overview of the research on the early history of the text and interact with the conclusions by W. Veder and L. Sels who distinguish two main groups of manuscripts and two versions of the text, respectively. The authors raise the problem of limited textual material and lack of understanding of the manuscript tradition, which often goes with the tendency of scholars to approach this writing without a proper historical perspective on its spread in the Slavic lands.
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