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To browse Academia. The architectural heritage of Istanbul, with respect to its Byzantine past, has been ideologically instrumentalized, par- ticularly over the span of the last two centuries. Stakeholders, governmental bodies, and institutions that are tasked to discover Byzantine Constantinople, and to protect its physical remains, have taken varying attitudes over the years, in parallel to their political inclinations, manipulating what heritage to bring to light, make visible, protect, or neglect and forget. Polyeuktos, and the Theodosian Harbor will be analyzed in detail with respect to their legal status and the conditions of archaeological fieldworks, the circumstances of the subsequent restoration initiatives, as well as the methods of communication with wider public with respect to the equilibrium between archae- ological fieldwork and intangible heritage preservation. In doing so, this paper relates to a bigger picture that discusses various practices of urban archaeology in multi-layered historical cities like Istanbul in regard to varying approaches to Byzantine archaeology and cultural heritage policies towards Byzantine urban heritage, often resulting in controversial outcomes. Jurnal Japanedu : pendidikan dan pengajaran bahasa Jepang,
Впервые отдельным изданием: Нью-Йорк, Текст воспроизводится по кн. Домогацкой; Подготовка текста и комментарии Е.